
Book your table here for a delicious meal of authentic Spanish pintxos and tapas cooked with care and love for the food.

Online: Reserve a table here
Phone: 08 30 74 00

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Opening hours Today

The restaurant:
12:00 - 02:00
Kitchen: 12:00 - 23:00

Se all opening hours

Evenings at Boqueria

Our evenings at Boqueria are truly alive. Just like our menu, where we have selected the very best from Spain and put our own touch on the food.

Evening menu

Boqueria in Stockholm and Åre

Did you know that you also can visit Boqueria in Stockholm and Åre?

Boqueria Stockholm Boqueria Åre

Catering from Boqueria

Let us cook fantastic food for your dinner party or party.

Boqueria Take Away